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Muspelheim lyrics by Therion

Therion Muspelheim lyrics
  • track 7 of 13, total running time
  • album Secrets Of The Runes
  • released in 2001
  • produced by
  • record label
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Secrets Of The Runes tracklist

released 2001 via

1. Ginnungagap
2. Midgard
3. Asgard
4. Jotunheim
5. Schwarzalbenheim
6. Ljusalfheim
7. Muspelheim lyrics
8. Nifelheim
9. Vanaheim
10. Helheim
11. Secrets Of The Runes
12. Crying Days
13. Summer Night City
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Muspelheim song lyrics


[From the south comes the forces of chaos and destruction. The ultimate heat from the world of Muspel will very soon burn the world and turn it into ashes. The firegiant Surt rides with his hords to meet the gods in the final battle of Ragnarok. But the whell of fate will turn once again and from the ash a new world will rise.]


Gudaskymning faller pa gloden
borjar flamma (Ur) odets eld i Muspelheim
Ragnarok harstamma.

Muspilli flammor over Jord,
snart kommer Surt att harja,
Jattarna tanda Ragnarok
(och) runor av eld besvarja.
Muspel oppnat sig

Surt som i syd med draget svard
kallar pa Muspels soner,
kommer till kamp pa Vigrid slatt,
da hjalper inga boner.
Fran syd kommer kaos.

Makter av eld har stormar fram
nu skola varlden brinna.
Jattarna draper guden Frej da
kommer odets timma.
Frukta Muspelheim!

More info about Muspelheim lyrics

check here the lyrics for Muspelheim, the 7th song of the 13 recorded for the album Secrets Of The Runes, with a total running time of , by Therion. It was released on via , and produced by .
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