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Ginnungagap lyrics by Therion

Therion Ginnungagap lyrics
  • track 1 of 13, total running time
  • album Secrets Of The Runes
  • released in 2001
  • produced by
  • record label
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Secrets Of The Runes tracklist

released 2001 via

1. Ginnungagap lyrics
2. Midgard
3. Asgard
4. Jotunheim
5. Schwarzalbenheim
6. Ljusalfheim
7. Muspelheim
8. Nifelheim
9. Vanaheim
10. Helheim
11. Secrets Of The Runes
12. Crying Days
13. Summer Night City
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Ginnungagap song lyrics

[The Black hole]

[In the beginning there was a void, a big gap of darkness, filled with the primal forces of creation. The heat of Muspel and the ice of Nifel made the essence of life come forth from the void. The first living being, The Giant Ymer, was born out of darkness and he is the ancestor of the creatures of the universe. The world was formed from his slaughtered body. Ginnungagap is the black hole from which everything came out and into which everything will return in the end.]

Fall deep into Void
(in the) black hole of Nothing

Hail, Flow of Vergelmar
Hail, Flow of Vergelmar
Hail, Flow of Vergelmar
Hail, Old Void!

Hail, Flow of Vergelmar
Heat of creation
Hail, Flow of Vergelmar
Hail, Old Void!

Spark in the Nothingness
Heat of creation
Make the ice start to melt
life wake up in the void.

Ymer is born, fire and ice
Chaos will form, Megin will rise

Fader Ymer drack fran urkon
En strom av mjolk som gav oss liv.

Oppna gapet i ryndend mitt
Floda av blod fran Ymers kropt
Varldar skapas utav hans kott
Nio (till) antal pa Yggorasil.

Ymers gap - Ymers runa
Ymers ond - Ymers urlag

More info about Ginnungagap lyrics

check here the lyrics for Ginnungagap, the 1th song of the 13 recorded for the album Secrets Of The Runes, with a total running time of , by Therion. It was released on via , and produced by .
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