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Midgard lyrics by Therion

Therion Midgard lyrics
  • track 2 of 13, total running time
  • album Secrets Of The Runes
  • released in 2001
  • produced by
  • record label
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Secrets Of The Runes tracklist

released 2001 via

1. Ginnungagap
2. Midgard lyrics
3. Asgard
4. Jotunheim
5. Schwarzalbenheim
6. Ljusalfheim
7. Muspelheim
8. Nifelheim
9. Vanaheim
10. Helheim
11. Secrets Of The Runes
12. Crying Days
13. Summer Night City
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Midgard song lyrics

[Old Midgard]

[In the middle of the universe you will find the world of man. Some say that Midgard bears the most beautiful leaves on the worldtree Yggdrasil, but the world of man is a very fragile world and it is under a permanent threat. The sophisticated balance between polarities which is the fundament of Midgard, could easily be disturbed. If that would happen the forces of chaos will inundate the earth and the end will be the only future for mankind.]

Behind the depth, before the height,
surrounded by the serpent Jormundgand,
(the) world of Man in the middle
of heat and ice, built by the Ymer brow.

World of Man - hot and cool - high and low

In between extremities rises Midgard, mighty as the stem of the tree.
Ash and Elm, the human pair living of its precious fruits. But soon it may end.

Middle Earth, Old Midgard (we) wish the tree will burst into leaf!
Will someday your balance reach an end and you'll start to fade!
Mannaheim, old Midgard all your walls start to tumble down.
May the tree be reborn from the ash it will grow again.

Let's defend Midgard, we Call the High One
Sow upon the field the rune of Jara

Middle Earth, Old Midgard (we) wish the tree will burst into leaf!
Will someday your balance reach an end and you'll start to fade!
Mannaheim, old Midgard all your walls start to tumble down.
May the tree be reborn from the ash it will grow again.

Let's defend Midgard, we Call the High One
Sow upon the field the rune of Jara

In between extremities rises Midgard, mighty as the stem of the tree.
Ash and Elm, the human pair living of its precious fruits. But soon it may end.

More info about Midgard lyrics

check here the lyrics for Midgard, the 2th song of the 13 recorded for the album Secrets Of The Runes, with a total running time of , by Therion. It was released on via , and produced by .
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