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Dr Sin Is In lyrics by Lordi

Lordi Dr Sin Is In lyrics
  • track 6 of 17, total running time
  • album Deadache
  • released in 2008
  • produced by
  • record label
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Dr Sin Is In song lyrics

Strapped on the table
The operation begins
Caught in the fable
The doctor is in
The doctor is in - the doctor is in
Oh God help us

Stainer, cyan wall tiles
They form a pattern of snakes
Hissing like a reptile
His instruments are awake

The light's mesmerizing
Glowing through the haze
The fear is paralyzing
Smile on his face all ablaze

The doctor is in
Oh God help us, the doctor is in

The cure is screaming
One helluva healing
Cut out the cancers
Corrupting your soul

Barely breathing
Recovery by bleeding
But the rot will go
Dr. Sin is in

Your hands are dirtied
By the places that they have been
Those eyes are filthied
Because of sins they shouldn't have seen

The heart's contaminated
Rotten to the core
This fould brain is tainted
By the impure thoughts and uproar

More info about Dr Sin Is In lyrics

check here the lyrics for Dr Sin Is In, the 6th song of the 17 recorded for the album Deadache, with a total running time of , by Lordi. It was released on via , and produced by .
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