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Bite It Like A Bulldog lyrics by Lordi

Lordi Bite It Like A Bulldog lyrics
  • track 3 of 17, total running time
  • album Deadache
  • released in 2008
  • produced by
  • record label
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Bite It Like A Bulldog song lyrics

Caught red handed
Blood drops cover your face
The gun still smoking in your hand

You did not do it
The rest of the world is always wrong
As you see it from where you stand

Always try to find another
Fool to sacrifice your mother
They probably know that there in your game

Anybody really will do
fine as long as it wont be you
You let the dice decide who's to blame

Bite it, Bite it like a bulldog
Bite like a Bulldog
To the Bone, Never let it go
Bite it, Bite it like a bulldog
Bite it like a Bulldog
Freaking out, Foaming at the mouth

You wont take no responsibility
For anything you say or do

Friend or foe it don't matter
Anyone can go
As long as it wont be you

Always try to find another
Fool to sacrifice your mother
They probably know that there in your game

Anybody really will do
fine as long as it wont be you
You let the dice decide who's to blame

Bite it, Bite it like a bulldog
Bite like a Bulldog
To the Bone, Never let it go
Bite it, Bite it like a bulldog
Bite it like a Bulldog
Freaking out, Foaming at the mouth

You leave a trail of dead behind you
Your dead wrong but you are giving in
To deny the truth you'll make it untrue
Just saying it- don't make you aching pins

Bite it, bite it like a,
Bite it, bite it like a bulldog
Bite it to the bone
Never let it go

More info about Bite It Like A Bulldog lyrics

check here the lyrics for Bite It Like A Bulldog, the 3th song of the 17 recorded for the album Deadache, with a total running time of , by Lordi. It was released on via , and produced by .
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