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Monsters Keep Me Company lyrics by Lordi

Lordi Monsters Keep Me Company lyrics
  • track 4 of 17, total running time
  • album Deadache
  • released in 2008
  • produced by
  • record label
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Monsters Keep Me Company song lyrics

If the sun comes up tomorrow
It would see a sight so sad
The Moon is still smiling on me
Right up until dawn

I'm drowning in hate and sorrow
But nothing is quite that bad
There still might be something for me
Before I am gone

And I'm not fooling no-one
I know you think you'd win
But I won't pay for your sins

My monsters keep me company
And I'll never be lonely
They will keep me safe
Protected from harm
Monsters keep me company
Until I will set them free

I can't believe what I'm thinking
That this dream of me could die
I cannot see how anything
Can ever be fine

I never wanted to be your hero
I just did it to please myself
And now you put me back under zero
Not to come back again

And I'm not fooling no-one
I know you think you'd win
But I won't pay for your sins

My monsters keep me company
And I'll never be lonely
They will keep me safe
Protected from harm
Monsters keep me company
Until I will set them free

Someday I'll come back again...
Damn right I'll come back again!

More info about Monsters Keep Me Company lyrics

check here the lyrics for Monsters Keep Me Company, the 4th song of the 17 recorded for the album Deadache, with a total running time of , by Lordi. It was released on via , and produced by .
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