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Evilove lyrics by Lordi

Lordi Evilove lyrics
  • track 15 of 15, total running time
  • album The Arockalypse
  • released in 2006
  • produced by
  • record label
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Evilove song lyrics

I gave you deep red roses
The thorns cut your hands
We are an owl and a mouse's doomed romance

Now I would like to fondle
But my nails rip your skin
My most tender kiss stings your lips like pins

Your cries, they make no difference
I'll always love you the same
Now I'll try to restrain myself
'Cause my affection means pain

Honey, honey
Lemme hug you like a spider
Honey, honey
Lemme give you evilove
Honey, honey
Lemme kiss you like a viper
Open up your heart
Receive my evilove

Our night in Paris with candles
Ended up in flames
And cupid's arrow mangled your pretty face
I wanna be your dream-date
Who takes away your breath
But I'm the man of your nightmares
The gentleman death

Your cries, they make no difference
I'll always love you the same
Now I'll try to restrain myself
'Cause my affection means pain

[Chorus x3]

Receive my evilove (x3)

More info about Evilove lyrics

check here the lyrics for Evilove, the 15th song of the 15 recorded for the album The Arockalypse, with a total running time of , by Lordi. It was released on via , and produced by .
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