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Mr Killjoy lyrics by Lordi

Lordi Mr Killjoy lyrics
  • track 14 of 15, total running time
  • album The Arockalypse
  • released in 2006
  • produced by
  • record label
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Mr Killjoy song lyrics

Your shindig's kinda boring
Shall I strike the punch with cianede
I gotta warn you
You'll need a coroner tonight

If you see me, better flee me
If you hear me, better fear me
I'll help you from the fryer
Into the fire

Na, na na na na
Calling Mr Killjoy
I'm the death of every party
Na, na na na na
Calling Mr Killjoy
And I don't care if you don't like me, NO!

Though I'm here to fix your troubles
Brute force applied with some finess
Oh, when people are the problem
My hatchet always works the best (Oh yes it will)

If you see me, better flee me
If you hear me, better fear me
I'll help you from the fryer
Into the fire


I made you suffer and it doesn't feel right
I thought my knife would snuff you out like a light
How rude of me
A quick beheading will end your fright

[Chorus x2]

More info about Mr Killjoy lyrics

check here the lyrics for Mr Killjoy, the 14th song of the 15 recorded for the album The Arockalypse, with a total running time of , by Lordi. It was released on via , and produced by .
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