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The Deadite Girls Gone Wild lyrics by Lordi

Lordi The Deadite Girls Gone Wild lyrics
  • track 3 of 15, total running time
  • album The Arockalypse
  • released in 2006
  • produced by
  • record label
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The Deadite Girls Gone Wild song lyrics

She lures you in with intention
Looks like the girl next door
But it's blood and sticky floors
That really turn her on

She's got a body to die for
You touch it and you will
She's got a face of an angel
And an urge to kill

She's sanctified by death

Hey! Stay away from the lady night
Hey! Don't you mess with the devil's bride
You gotta pull out!
Can't you feel the darkness falling?
Get the hell out!
Can't you hear the heaven's roaring?
The Deadite girls gone wild

Have casket will travel
She's the best of the worst
She'll chew on your neckbone
To quench her thirst

The black widow entraps you
Oh boy, you're in for a treat
She's the queen of beasts
She's a demon in heat

She's sanctified by death

Hey! Stay away from the lady night
Hey! Don't you mess with the devil's bride
You gotta pull out!
Can't you feel the darkness falling?
Get the hell out!
Can't you hear the heaven's roaring?
The Deadite girls gone wild

No, don't thank heaven for little girls, no
When their eyes turn white as pearls
You wanna put it inside
You're gonna lose it, she bites
Then she'll suck you dry

Then she'll suck you dry...

Hey! Stay away from the lady night
Hey! Don't you mess with the devil's bride
You gotta pull out!
Can't you feel the darkness falling?
Get the hell out!
Can't you hear the heaven's roaring?
The Deadite girls gone wild

More info about The Deadite Girls Gone Wild lyrics

check here the lyrics for The Deadite Girls Gone Wild, the 3th song of the 15 recorded for the album The Arockalypse, with a total running time of , by Lordi. It was released on via , and produced by .
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