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Blood Red Sandman lyrics by Lordi

Lordi Blood Red Sandman lyrics
  • track 11 of 12, total running time
  • album The Monsterican Dream
  • released in 2004
  • produced by
  • record label
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Blood Red Sandman song lyrics

'They called me the Leather Apron
They called me the smiling Jack
They prayed to the heavens above
That I would never ever come back'

Can you hear how the children weep?
Chills of fear like a sawblade cutting deep

Once again there is pain
I bring flames - I bring cold
I'm the Blood Red Sandman coming home
On this unholy night I will make you my own
Blood Red Sandman
Coming home again

Red drops stain satin so white
-- 'The way I sign my name'
The neighborhood's pretty dead at night
-- 'And I'm the one to blame'

Scream all you want you won't wake up when you scream
'No one leaves.....
..... The Monsterican Dream'

More info about Blood Red Sandman lyrics

check here the lyrics for Blood Red Sandman, the 11th song of the 12 recorded for the album The Monsterican Dream, with a total running time of , by Lordi. It was released on via , and produced by .
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