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Fire In The Hole lyrics by Lordi

Lordi Fire In The Hole lyrics
  • track 3 of 12, total running time
  • album The Monsterican Dream
  • released in 2004
  • produced by
  • record label
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Fire In The Hole song lyrics

She's a thorn - like a spike
But I just cannot brush her aside
She holds her hands up high - with quiver in fingers

Watch her gringe - afraid of my might
Strapped down in a chair --
Blinded by the headlights
She might feel a bit scarified - it's the ultimate stinger

So --
Let's skip the limbo and cut to the chase
Let's light up your wire

Fire in the hole
I gotta blow you up inside baby
Fire in the hole
I'm gonna make you my blazing lady
Fire in the hole

Theres a sound - I don't like
Pounding at the door when
I'm pumped up and psyched
So few could understand the way that I show my lovin'

Hold it back - for a while
We have to get the timing just right
Gotta let the -OH!-
Gate crashers in just when we're starting to crackle

So burn with me baby
Let's blow up the night
Lighting up the wire

Fire in the hole
The fuse is lit and we're ready to go
Fire in the hole
Locked and loaded and about to blow

More info about Fire In The Hole lyrics

check here the lyrics for Fire In The Hole, the 3th song of the 12 recorded for the album The Monsterican Dream, with a total running time of , by Lordi. It was released on via , and produced by .
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