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Pet The Destroyer lyrics by Lordi

Lordi Pet The Destroyer lyrics
  • track 9 of 12, total running time
  • album The Monsterican Dream
  • released in 2004
  • produced by
  • record label
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Pet The Destroyer song lyrics

Its breath intoxicating
Its ego suffocating
It's here in my house -
Tryin' to get out

Its moves exhilarating
Tempers infuriating
It's no sage -
Rampage the cage

But you'll be safe
You can feed it - you wanna play?
It's almost tamed

Pet the destroyer
My beast Le royal
Pet my destroyer
Sweet killing machine
Oh wont you please meet the beast?

Its stare infatuating
I'm not exaggerating
It breaks off the leash
Creature released

Its jaws intimidating
Rage indiscriminating
It looks kinda mad -
(well this) looks kinda bad

This isn't safe, NO!
I can feel it
This isn't play
It can't be in tamed

Pet the destroyer
My beast le royal
Pet my destroyer
Sweet killing machine
Oh wont you please meet the beast?
Oh wont you please feed my beast?

More info about Pet The Destroyer lyrics

check here the lyrics for Pet The Destroyer, the 9th song of the 12 recorded for the album The Monsterican Dream, with a total running time of , by Lordi. It was released on via , and produced by .
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