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Dread and the fugitive mind lyrics by Megadeth

Megadeth Dread and the fugitive mind lyrics
  • track 9 of 12, total running time
  • album The world needs a hero
  • released in 2001
  • produced by
  • record label
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Dread and the fugitive mind song lyrics

Let me introduce myself I'm a social disease
I've come for your wealth leave you on your knees
No time for feeling sorry, I got here on my own
I won't ask for mercy, I choose to walk alone

What's yours is mine and what's mine is mine too
If you shake my hand better count your fingers

What if I do get caught? What if there is no judgment?
If I'm right I lose nothing, if you're right I lose it all
I ought to get caught because I'm doing something wicked
I'm guilty haunted by my fear and the only consequences
Are Dread and the Fugitive Mind

You built walls to protect you so no one will infect you
Pursued by those out there that vanish in thin air
Come a long way to find what you really left behind
You don't know when the end is but it's coming fast

What's yours is mine and what's mine is mine too
If you shake my hand better count your fingers

What if I do get caught? What if there is no judgment?
If I'm right I lose nothing, if you're right I lose it all
I ought to get caught because I'm doing something wicked
I'm guilty haunted by my fear and the only consequences
Are Dread and the Fugitive Mind

More info about Dread and the fugitive mind lyrics

check here the lyrics for Dread and the fugitive mind, the 9th song of the 12 recorded for the album The world needs a hero, with a total running time of , by Megadeth. It was released on via , and produced by .
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