Losing my senses song lyrics
One man speaking the truth
No one likes when it fits
So we tell soothing lies
And betray our own lips
The uncivilized world
And its people decay
Once sweet breeze is defiled
Sucking our breath away
[Fill Solos - Mustaine]
Yesterday's answers has nothing to do
With today's questions
Life can only be understood in reverse
But must be lived forwards.
I'm losing my senses, I'm losing my senses
[Fill Solos - Mustaine]
We watch as the living all die
Contemplating if we should
Ever open our eyes
If all that we touch
Keeps turning to sand
We will cease to exist
Till the last living man
[Fill Solos - Mustaine]
Yesterday's answers has nothing to do
With today's questions
Life can only be understood in reverse
But must be lived forward.
Life can only be understood in reverse
But must be lived forward.
I'm losing my senses
[Fill Solos - Mustaine / Solo - Pitrelli]
Yesterday's answers has nothing to do
With today's questions
Life can only be understood in reverse
But must be lived forwards.
Life can only be understood in reverse
But must be lived forwards.
More info about Losing my senses lyrics
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lyrics for Losing my senses, the 8th song of the 12 recorded for the album The world needs a hero, with a total running time of , by Megadeth. It was released on via , and produced by .