Metal and Rock lyrics from Rockalyrics. Find all the info, news and links to many bands, albums or songs. Browse by band from A to Z or search our lyrics database. The lyrics contained in this website are for educational and informational purposes only.
You give up on yourself
Somehow you got betrayed agin
Thin ice and luck runs out
Who will you blame it on this time?
Due to lack of interest in you
The light at the end of the tunnel
Was turned off
And something I noticed
Beating you is thrilling me
I've got a secret for you
If you took your own direction
If only you practice what you preach
If you follow your advice
You wouldn't be burning bridges all the time
Don't close your eyes to injustice
Listen, being brave ain't chicken shit
A man without any valor
Has nothing worth living for
Due to lack of interest in you
The light at the end of the tunnel
Was turned off
And something I noticed
Beating you is thrilling me
I've got a secret for you
If you took your own direction
If only you practice what you preach
If you follow your advice
You wouldn't be burning bridges all the time
[Solo - Mustaine]
[Solo - Pitrelli]
If you took your own direction
If only you practice what you preach
If you follow your advice
You wouldn't be burning bridges all the time
If you took your own direction
If only you practice what you preach
If you follow your advice
You wouldn't be burning bridges all the time
check here the lyrics for Burning bridges, the 5th song of the 12 recorded for the album The world needs a hero, with a total running time of , by Megadeth. It was released on via , and produced by .