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Be The Rain lyrics by Neil Young

Neil Young Be The Rain lyrics
  • track 10 of 10, total running time
  • album Greendale
  • released in 2003
  • produced by
  • record label
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Save the planet for another day
'Attention shoppers, buy with a conscience and save'
Save the planet for another day
'Save Alaska! Let the caribou stay'
Don't care what the governments say
'They're all bought and paid for anyway'
Save the planet for another day
'hey Big Oil, what do you say?'

We were runnin' through the night
Never knowin' if we would see the light
Paranoid schizophrenic visions
Livin' in fear of the wrong decisions

We got to wake up
We got to keep goin'
If they follow us
There's no way of knowin'

We got a job to do
We got to
Save Mother Earth

Be the ocean when it meets the sky
'You can make a difference, if you really try'
Be the magic in the northern lights
'six days....six nights'
Be the river as it rolls along
'it has three eyed fish and it's smellin' strong'
Be the rain you remember fallin'
'be the rain, be the rain'

Yeah rain was fallin' and we're soakin' wet
Hail is beatin' down on our heads
The wind is blowin' through our hair
Faces frozen in the frigid air

We got to get there
We got to be there
Before the big machines

We got a job to do
We got to
Save Mother Earth

Dream the hunter on the western plain
'the birds are all gone, where did they go?'
Dream the fisherman in his boat
'he's comin' home empty, he's barely afloat'
Dream the logger in the great northwest
'they're runnin' out of trees, they got to give it a rest'
(there's no other way to cut it)
Dream the farmer in the old heartland
'corporate greed and chemicals are killin' the land'

Next mornin' Sun was up at dawn
She looked around and Earth was gone
Dark visions he had last night
He needed peace, he needed light

He heard the rumble and
He saw the big machines
The green army rose
It was a bad dream

He had a job to do
He had to
Save Mother Earth

Be the ocean when it meets the sky
'Greek freighters are dumping crap somewhere right now'
Be the magic in the northern lights
'the ice is melting!'
Be the river as it rolls along
'toxic waste dumpin' from corporate farms'
Be the rain you remember fallin'
'be the rain, be the rain'
Save the planet for another day
'be the rain, be the rain'
Be the river as it rolls along
'be the rain, be the rain'

More info about Be The Rain lyrics

check here the lyrics for Be The Rain, the 10th song of the 10 recorded for the album Greendale, with a total running time of , by Neil Young. It was released on via , and produced by .
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