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Bandit lyrics by Neil Young

Neil Young Bandit lyrics
  • track 6 of 10, total running time
  • album Greendale
  • released in 2003
  • produced by
  • record label
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Turnin' the pages
In this old book
Seems familiar
Might be worth a second look

Wrappin' up dope in a paper bag
Talkin' to yourself
Takin' a drag
Who are you kidding
With what you say?
What does it matter?
They'll never hear it anyway

Got to get past
The negative thing
The lawyers and business
You get what you bring
No one's sorry
You did it yourself
It's time to relax now
And then give it hell

Someday you'll find
What you're lookin' for
Someday you'll find
What you're lookin' for

You didn't bet on the Dodgers
To beat the Giants
Then David came up
Now you gotta pay up
You didn't count on that

Geez half the money's gone
The month is still young
Where you gonna go now?
Things are closin' in

Got to trust someone
Trust someone
Someone you trust
Got to be careful
Be careful

You can't go to your brother
That money's all gone
Can't go to your friends

You'll find
Everything you're lookin' for

You'll find
Everything you're lookin' for

You'll find
Everything you're lookin' for

You'll find
Everything you're lookin' for

Made out like a bandit
For so many years
What are you workin' for?
One more big score?
What are you tryin' to prove?

Try to get closer
But not too close
Try to get through
But not be through

No one can touch you now
But i can touch you now
You're invisible
You got too many secrets
Bob Dylan said that
Somethin' like that

You'll find
Everything you're looking for

You'll find
Everything you're looking for

You'll find
Everything you're looking for

You'll find
Everything you're looking for

More info about Bandit lyrics

check here the lyrics for Bandit, the 6th song of the 10 recorded for the album Greendale, with a total running time of , by Neil Young. It was released on via , and produced by .
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