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Double E lyrics by Neil Young

Neil Young Double E lyrics
  • track 2 of 10, total running time
  • album Greendale
  • released in 2003
  • produced by
  • record label
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Back in the country
Livin' on the double e
In the sunshine of her life
There's a ready young filly
And mom and daddy
Won't let her leave
Mom and papa won't let her go

But when they go out dancin'
She breaks out on her own
She's hot enough to
Burn the house down
And mom and daddy don't know

When Edith and Earl
Renamed the double e
They nearly made history
The neighbors rose up
And some of them were mad as hell
'cause it used to be the double L

Change comes slow in the country
When you're new
There's a lot of distrust
Years pass by uneventful,
And memories turn to dust

Meanwhile Granny
Has got her bright colors on
The sunshine in her eyes
Cruisin' by the bars
And honky tonks where she met Grandpa
And caught that young man's eye

Dusty white Eldorado
Cruisin' through the trees
Slippin' through the shadows
Of what used to be

Back in the day
Livin' in the summer of love
Livin' in the summer of love

Grandma's ok
But not the same since grandpa's gone
She's livin' in the summer of love

Back in the day
Livin' in the summer of love
Livin' in the summer of love

Livin' in the summer of love

Livin' in the summer of love

Livin' in the summer of love

More info about Double E lyrics

check here the lyrics for Double E, the 2th song of the 10 recorded for the album Greendale, with a total running time of , by Neil Young. It was released on via , and produced by .
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