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Scenery lyrics by Neil Young

Neil Young Scenery lyrics
  • track 10 of 11, total running time
  • album Mirror Ball
  • released in 1995
  • produced by
  • record label
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Looking at the grave
At the scenery around you
Home of the brave
Sometimes they leave you
like they found you
Sometimes they worship you
Sometimes they
tear your houses down
Sometimes they comfort you
Sometimes they
spread your life around

Nothing you can see
That they
won't try to give you
Land of the free
Where the legend
will outlive you
When you earn their trust
When you are truly in danger
Where greed and lust
Have never been a stranger


Home of the brave
That's where
heroes need protection
Media image slaves
Live by random selection
You sell your heart
But that's not
the price of freedom
Where things are useful
Only when you need them

Where will you go
When you need
to make some changes
Who will you love
In a world
of constant strangers
I'll go with you
If you want
to take a hero home
I'll stay behind
If you want
to take a hero home

Looking at the grave
At the scenery around you
Home of the brave
Sometimes they leave you
like they found you


Home of the brave
Home of the brave
Home of the brave
Home of the brave
Home of the brave
Home of the brave

More info about Scenery lyrics

check here the lyrics for Scenery, the 10th song of the 11 recorded for the album Mirror Ball, with a total running time of , by Neil Young. It was released on via , and produced by .
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