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Peace And Love lyrics by Neil Young

Neil Young Peace And Love lyrics
  • track 8 of 11, total running time
  • album Mirror Ball
  • released in 1995
  • produced by
  • record label
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Peace And Love song lyrics

Peace and love, flying so high
Peace and love, too young to die
Peace and love, now you decide
Stay for the children
You don't really want to go
Can't feel it pulling like you did, peace and love...

Peace and love, only a ride
Strength is gone, dying inside
Tell me now, what did you find?
Found love in the people
Livin' in a sacred land
Found love in the people, peace and love...

Found love...saw my mistake...broke walls of pain to walk again...
I saw the dream, I saw the wake...we shared it all but not the take...

Peace and love, lennon's goodbye
Over now, living in time
A broken bell, a nursery rhyme
Deserted by heroes
Strangers in your own land
No way to deny you, to deny you...peace and love...

I took the oath 'till I had most
I took what's left, I gave it breath
I had it all once I gave it back...gave it back...

More info about Peace And Love lyrics

check here the lyrics for Peace And Love, the 8th song of the 11 recorded for the album Mirror Ball, with a total running time of , by Neil Young. It was released on via , and produced by .
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