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Throw Your Hatred Down lyrics by Neil Young

Neil Young Throw Your Hatred Down lyrics
  • track 9 of 11, total running time
  • album Mirror Ball
  • released in 1995
  • produced by
  • record label
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Throw Your Hatred Down song lyrics

Here in the conscious world we place our theories down
Why man must bring us to our knees
Before he sees the weakness of his sinful plan
The power in his hand
Will never touch a friend
Throw your hatred down (2x)

Meanwhile in the underworld, the weaknesses are seen
By peasants and presidents who plan the counter-scheme
Children in the schoolyard finish choossing teams
Divided by their dreams while a tv screams
Throw your weapons down (2x)

The wheel of fortune keeps on rollin' down
The sstreet that's paved with sinful plans
There but for circumstance may go you or i
Dresssed in gold lame
Find a place to stay
Throw your hatred down (3x)
Throw your weapons down

More info about Throw Your Hatred Down lyrics

check here the lyrics for Throw Your Hatred Down, the 9th song of the 11 recorded for the album Mirror Ball, with a total running time of , by Neil Young. It was released on via , and produced by .
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