Tell me i should stay song lyrics
It's the last time to feel our fingers combine in a tea leaf tangle
Which is mine?
No, it's your heartbeat
No, it's my heartbeat
Light me a bougie candle
When I'm gone
And I will sing
Lovers' songs
Well, hold me
Before I'm gone
Well, this son of a Taylor says he'll
Keep a stitch for every day he's gone
How long, how long, how long will this seam run on?
What would you do?
What should I do?
What should we do?
Come on, kiss me now
Kiss me while I'm still here
Come on, hold me, kiss me, tell me I should stay here
Tell me I should stay here
Tell me I should stay here
Tell me I should stay
It's the last time to feel our fringes combine in a treetop tangle
Which is mine?
No, it's your heartbeat
No, it's my heartbeat
Heartbeat rising with the tune
I'm all out of tunes
Well, this son of a Taylor says he'll
Keep a stitch for every day he's gone
How long, how long, how long, how long will this seam run on?
What would you do?
What should I do?
What should we do?
Come on, kiss me now
Kiss me while I'm still here
Come on, hold me, kiss me, tell me I should stay here
Tell me I should stay here
Tell me I should stay here
Tell me I should stay
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lyrics for Tell me i should stay, the 7th song of the 11 recorded for the album The human fear, with a total running time of 35:15, by Franz Ferdinand. It was released on january 10, 2025 via Domino Recording Company, and produced by Mark Ralph.