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Everydaydreamer lyrics by Franz Ferdinand

Franz Ferdinand Everydaydreamer lyrics
  • track 2 of 11, total running time 35:15
  • album The human fear
  • released in january 10, 2025
  • produced by Mark Ralph
  • record label Domino Recording Company
Franz Ferdinand - The human fear at
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The human fear tracklist

released 2025 via Domino Recording Company

1. Audacious Audacious Youtube video included
2. Everydaydreamer lyrics
3. The doctor The doctor Youtube video included
4. Hooked Hooked Youtube video included
5. Build it up Build it up Youtube video included
6. Night or day Night or day Youtube video included
7. Tell me i should stay
8. Cats
9. Black eyelashes Black eyelashes Youtube video included
10. Bar lonely
11. The birds
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No, I'm fine, I just need time
To let my mind relax, find a detour
I may be here with you but I'm not in the room
With perspective, enough perspective
Anything can disappear until all we can see
Is the point of infinity

No, this life isn't over until we don't know it's over
The unknown return
To before it began
It began

Well, I'm an every day dreamer
Everyday dreamer
I'm looking through a window in a wall
Yes, I'm an every day dreamer
And every daydreamer knows
Every dream goes

Put the dream down, don't put the dream down
These dreams are making nonsense
Of this waking sense
Of these waking senses

Memories and dreameries are not how we remember
Remember who we are
But who we think we are
Think we are

Well, I'm an everyday dreamer
Everyday dreamer
Every day I'm dreaming of you all
Yes, I'm an everyday dreamer
Everyday dreamer

Don't put a good dream down
Don't put a good dream down
Don't put a good dream down

Every day I'm dreaming of you all
Always an every day dreamer
And every daydreamer knows
Every dream goes
Every dream goes
Every dream goes
Every dream goes
Every dream goes

More info about Everydaydreamer lyrics

check here the lyrics for Everydaydreamer, the 2th song of the 11 recorded for the album The human fear, with a total running time of 35:15, by Franz Ferdinand. It was released on january 10, 2025 via Domino Recording Company, and produced by Mark Ralph.
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