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Evil and a heathen lyrics by Franz Ferdinand

Franz Ferdinand Evil and a heathen lyrics
  • track 5 of 13, total running time
  • album You could have it so much better
  • released in 2005
  • produced by
  • record label
Franz Ferdinand - You could have it so much better at
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Words fall from my mouth
Like plates from shaking hands
Smash upon the silence
Of the smooth naked canal

I'm evil and a heathen
I'm evil and a heathen
I'm a heathen and evil like you
There's not a lot
Not a lot I couldn't do

I like how you pretend
That the end will be the end
So fill your thirst
Drink a curse
To the death of death instead

I'm evil and a heathen
I'm evil and a heathen
I'm a heathen and evil like you
There's not a lot
Not a lot I wouldn't do

Utrecht led me to the Sacre Coeur
Where the smoke curled round
Now the ice blows of Lake Michigan
When the ice blows
The ice flows knocks you down

Your teeth are black with wine
As you place those lips on mine
And the moon hangs heavy and forbidden high
On the night of our lives

I'm evil and a heathen
I'm evil and a heathen
I'm a heathen and evil like you
There's not a lot
Not a lot we couldn't do

More info about Evil and a heathen lyrics

check here the lyrics for Evil and a heathen, the 5th song of the 13 recorded for the album You could have it so much better, with a total running time of , by Franz Ferdinand. It was released on via , and produced by .
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