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Walk away lyrics by Franz Ferdinand

Franz Ferdinand Walk away lyrics
  • track 4 of 13, total running time
  • album You could have it so much better
  • released in 2005
  • produced by
  • record label
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I swapped my innocence for pride
Crushed the end within my stride
Said 'I'm strong now I know that I'm a leaver"
I love the sound of you walking away
Mascara bleeds a blackened tear
And I am cold
Yes I'm cold
But not as cold as you are
I love the sound of you walking away

Why don't you walk away?
No buildings will fall down
Why don't you walk away?
No quake will split the ground
Why don't you walk away?
The sun won't swallow the sky
Why don't you walk away?
Statues will not cry

I cannot turn to see those eyes
As apologies may rise
I must be strong and stay an unbeliever
And love the sound of you walking away
Mascara bleeds into my eye
I'm not cold
I am old
At least as old as you are
As you walk away

And as you walk away
My headstone crumbles down
As you walk away
The Hollywood wind's a howl
As you walk away
The Kremlin's falling
As you walk away
Radio 4 is static
As you walk away

The stab of stiletto
On a silent night
Stalin smiles
Hitler laughs
Churchill claps
Mao Tse-Tung
On the back

More info about Walk away lyrics

check here the lyrics for Walk away, the 4th song of the 13 recorded for the album You could have it so much better, with a total running time of , by Franz Ferdinand. It was released on via , and produced by .
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