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Treason! animals lyrics by Franz Ferdinand

Franz Ferdinand Treason! animals lyrics
  • track 7 of 10, total running time
  • album Right thoughts, right words, right action
  • released in 2013
  • produced by
  • record label
Franz Ferdinand - Right thoughts, right words, right action at
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Right thoughts, right words, right action tracklist

released 2013 via

1. Right action
2. Evil eye
3. Love illumination
4. Stand on the horizon
5. Fresh strawberries
6. Bullet
7. Treason! animals lyrics
8. The universe expanded
9. Brief encounters
10. Goodbye lovers & friends
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Hey friends when will you get here?
Hey friends I need to hear voices
I don?t care what you talk about
Hey friends I just need to hear voices
Could you bring the manual
Bring the repair manual
Something has really gone wrong here

I?m the king of the animals
I?m the king of the trees and animals
Self-crowned king of the trees and the animals
I?m a king so give me a crown
I am an animal
Give me an animal crown

Hey friends when will you get here?
Hey friends this is my kingdom
This is a tree
This is an animal
Ask any one of them
And they daren?t deny it
Ask any one of them
And they daren?t deny it
No don?t you dare deny it
This is my tree
This is my animal
But something has really gone wrong

I?m the king of the animals?

I am an animal, oh give me an animal crown (x infinity)
I?m in love with a narcissist - I know for the mirror told me
I?m in love with my nemesis - I know for the mirror told me
I?m in love with a narcissist - I know for the mirror told me
I?m in love with my pharmacist - I know for the mirror told me
I?m in love with a narcissist - I know for the mirror told me
I?m in love with my analyst - I know for the mirror told me
I?m in love with my nemesis - I know for the mirror told me

Hey friends when will you get here?
Hey friends I need to hear voices
I don?t care what you talk about
Hey friends I just need to hear voices
Something has really gone wrong

More info about Treason! animals lyrics

check here the lyrics for Treason! animals, the 7th song of the 10 recorded for the album Right thoughts, right words, right action, with a total running time of , by Franz Ferdinand. It was released on via , and produced by .
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