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Right action lyrics by Franz Ferdinand

Franz Ferdinand Right action lyrics
  • track 1 of 10, total running time
  • album Right thoughts, right words, right action
  • released in 2013
  • produced by
  • record label
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Right thoughts, right words, right action tracklist

released 2013 via

1. Right action lyrics
2. Evil eye
3. Love illumination
4. Stand on the horizon
5. Fresh strawberries
6. Bullet
7. Treason! animals
8. The universe expanded
9. Brief encounters
10. Goodbye lovers & friends
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Come home practically all is nearly forgiven
Right thoughts, right words, right action
Almost everything could be forgotten
Right thoughts, right words, right action

But how can we leave you
To a Saturday night or a Sunday morning
Good morning

Sometimes I wish you were here, weather permitting
Right thoughts, right words, right action
This time, same as before, I'll love you forever
Right thoughts, right words, right action


11 South Court Gardens
England?s Lane past end to London

Sometimes I wish you were here, weather permitting
Right thoughts, right words, right action
Right thoughts, right words, right action
Right thoughts, right words, right action
Right thoughts, right words, right action...

More info about Right action lyrics

check here the lyrics for Right action, the 1th song of the 10 recorded for the album Right thoughts, right words, right action, with a total running time of , by Franz Ferdinand. It was released on via , and produced by .
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