You're so sweet
Your smile
Your pussy
And your bones
You're on fire
You move me
Like music
With your style
Let me think (and you think about what?) about girls
(And what else?) and money, and new clothes
(And what do I get?) thirty nights (uh huh)
Of violence (yeah), and sugar, to love
Come here come here
closer to the lung
So I can I can
Shove her over railing
You're sweet
but I'm tired
Of proving
This love
See you're a bore
But you move me
Like a movie
That you love
Let me think (and you think about what?) about girls
(And what else?) and money, and new clothes
(And what do I get?) thirty nights (uh huh)
Of violence (yeah), and sugar, to love
Come here come here
closer to the lung
So I can I can
Shove her over railing
Let me think (and you think about what?) about girls
(And what else?) and money and new clothes
(And what do I get?) thirty nights (uh huh)
Of violence (yeah), and sugar, to love (fuckin' rock star)
Come here come here
closer to the lung
Come here come here
closer to the lung
So I can I can
Shove her over railing
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lyrics for Mx, the 10th song of the 11 recorded for the album Around the fur, with a total running time of , by Deftones. It was released on via , and produced by .