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Around the fur lyrics by Deftones

Deftones Around the fur lyrics
  • track 4 of 11, total running time
  • album Around the fur
  • released in 1997
  • produced by
  • record label
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Around the fur tracklist

released 1997 via

1. My own summer (Shove it)
2. Lhabia
3. Mascara
4. Around the fur lyrics
5. Rickets
6. Be quiet and drive (Far away)
7. Lotion
8. Dai the flu
9. Head up
10. Mx
11. Damone
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Around the fur song lyrics

Hey vanity, This vial is empty
So are you
Hey glamorous, This vial is not God any more

Speak... I don't get it
Should I ignore your fashion
Or go buy [by] the book
I don't want it
I just want your eyes fixated on me
Come back
I'm coming back around the fur

Prostitute, Climb back down from the floor
Please don't fuck around
And die like this
Cause I love her

Speak... I don't get it
Should I ignore your fashion
Or go buy [by] the book
I don't want it
I just want your eyes fixated on me
Come back
I'm coming back around the fur

Take, It takes
My eyes again, the fur, the fur me...make it fine

Speak...Speak! That's so sad you're back
I don't wanna get pissed off, but anyway
Come on - came so far
I'm here to say, don't talk back to me
You're a liar
You're lying
I don't care about
Wrong, Wrong, Wrong!

More info about Around the fur lyrics

check here the lyrics for Around the fur, the 4th song of the 11 recorded for the album Around the fur, with a total running time of , by Deftones. It was released on via , and produced by .
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