I couldn't sleep a wink last night song lyrics
I couldn't sleep a wink last night
Because we had that silly fight
I thought my heart would break the whole night through
I knew that you'd be sorry, and I'm sorry, too
I didn't have my favorite dream
The one in which I hold you tight
I had to call you up this morning
To see if everything was still all right
Yes, I had to call you up this morning
'Cause I couldn't sleep a wink last night
I didn't have my favorite dream
The one in which I hold you tight
I had to call you up this morning
To see if everything was still all right
Yes, I had to call you up this morning
'Cause I couldn't sleep a wink last night
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lyrics for I couldn't sleep a wink last night, the 22th song of the 30 recorded for the album Triplicate, with a total running time of 95:42, by Bob Dylan. It was released on March 31, 2017 via Columbia, and produced by Jack Frost.