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Trade wins lyrics by Bob Dylan

Bob Dylan Trade wins lyrics
  • track 10 of 30, total running time 95:42
  • album Triplicate
  • released in March 31, 2017
  • produced by Jack Frost
  • record label Columbia
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Here I stand looking, looking around me
While all around me what do I see
Unhappy faces behind a painted smile
Heartache and loneliness dressed up in modern style
Unhappy people living in sin and shame
Reflections of myself, life is no easy game
We're caught in the trade winds
The trade winds of our time

Here I stand looking, looking around me
While all around me what do I see
Young girls who'll soon become
Streetwalkers in the night
Young boys, the restless breed
looking for a fight
Children both rich and poor
They're searching for the truth
If they don't find it
God help tomorrow's youth
We're caught in the trade winds
The trade winds of our time

Trade winds are blowing, blowing around me
While all around me what do I see
Hatred and jealousy
Brotherhood is dying
Love is the answer
But nobody's buying
Good people turning bad
Some don't but they are few
The winds are blowing
The choice is all up to you
We're caught in the trade winds
The trade winds of our time

Yes we're caught up in the trade winds
The trade winds of our time
We are riding on the trade winds
The trade winds of our time

More info about Trade wins lyrics

check here the lyrics for Trade wins, the 10th song of the 30 recorded for the album Triplicate, with a total running time of 95:42, by Bob Dylan. It was released on March 31, 2017 via Columbia, and produced by Jack Frost.
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