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They Killed Him lyrics by Bob Dylan

Bob Dylan They Killed Him lyrics
  • track 2 of 6, total running time
  • album Knocked Out Loaded
  • released in 1986
  • produced by
  • record label
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Knocked Out Loaded tracklist

released 1986 via

1. You Wanna Ramble
2. They Killed Him lyrics
3. Driftin' Too Far From Shore
4. Precious Memories
5. Maybe Someday
6. Brownsville Girl
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They Killed Him song lyrics

There was a man named Hatma Gandi
He would not bow down he would not fight
He knew the deal was down and dirty
And nothing wrong could make it right away
But he knew his duty and the prize he had to pay
Just another holy man who tried to be a friend
My God, they killed him.

Another man from Atlanta, Georgia
By name of Martin Luther King
He shook the land like the rolling thunder
And made the bells of freedom ring today
With a dream of beauty that they could not burn away
Just another holy man who dared to make a stand
My God, they killed him.

The only Son of God Almighty
The holy one called Jesus Christ
He healed the lame and fed the hungry
And for his love they took his life away
On the road to glory where the story never ends
Just the holy Son of Man we'll never understand
My God, they killed him.

There was a man named Mahatma Gandi
A man named Martin Luther King
The only Son of God Almighty
The only one called Jesus Christ
On the road to glory where the story never ends
Just the holy Son of Man we'll never understand
My God, they killed him.

There was a man named Mahatma Gandi
A man named Martin Luther King
The only Son of God Almighty
The only one called Jesus Christ
On the road to glory where the story never ends
Just the holy Son of Man we'll never understand
My God, they killed him.

More info about They Killed Him lyrics

check here the lyrics for They Killed Him, the 2th song of the 6 recorded for the album Knocked Out Loaded, with a total running time of , by Bob Dylan. It was released on via , and produced by .
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