You Wanna Ramble song lyrics
Well I told my baby
I said 'Baby, I know where you been
Well, I know who you are
And what league you played in'
You wanna ramble
To the break of dawn
You wanna ramble
To the break of dawn
You wanna ramble
To the break of dawn.
Well, the night is so empty
So quit and still
For only fifteen hundred dollars
You can have anybody killed
You wanna ramble
To the break of dawn
You wanna ramble
To the break of dawn
You wanna ramble
To the break of dawn.
Well, I told my baby
Further down the line
I said, 'What happens tomorrow
Is on your head, not mine'
You wanna ramble
To the break of dawn
You wanna ramble
To the break of dawn
You wanna ramble
To the break of dawn.
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lyrics for You Wanna Ramble, the 1th song of the 6 recorded for the album Knocked Out Loaded, with a total running time of , by Bob Dylan. It was released on via , and produced by .