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Too Much Of Nothing lyrics by Bob Dylan

Bob Dylan Too Much Of Nothing lyrics
  • track 13 of 18, total running time
  • album The Basement Tapes
  • released in 1975
  • produced by
  • record label
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Too Much Of Nothing song lyrics

Now, too much of nothing
Can make a man feel ill at ease.
One man's temper might rise
While another man's temper might freeze.
In the day of confession
We cannot mock a soul.
Oh, when there's too much of nothing,
No one has control.

Say hello to valerie
Say hello to vivian
Send them all my salary
On the waters of oblivion

Too much of nothing
Can make a man abuse a king.
He can walk the streets and boast like most
But he wouldn't know a thing.
Now, it's all been done before,
It's all been written in the book,
But when there's too much of nothing,
Nobody should look.

Say hello to valerie
Say hello to vivian
Send them all my salary
On the waters of oblivion

Too much of nothing
Can turn a man into a liar,
It can cause one man to sleep on nails
And another man to eat fire.
Ev'rybody's doin' somethin',
I heard it in a dream,
But when there's too much of nothing,
It just makes a fella mean.

Say hello to valerie
Say hello to vivian
Send them all my salary
On the waters of oblivion

More info about Too Much Of Nothing lyrics

check here the lyrics for Too Much Of Nothing, the 13th song of the 18 recorded for the album The Basement Tapes, with a total running time of , by Bob Dylan. It was released on via , and produced by .
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