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Goin' To Acapulco lyrics by Bob Dylan

Bob Dylan Goin To Acapulco lyrics
  • track 5 of 18, total running time
  • album The Basement Tapes
  • released in 1975
  • produced by
  • record label
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Goin' To Acapulco song lyrics

I'm going down to rose marie's
She never does me wrong.
She puts it to me plain as day
And gives it to me for a song.

It's a wicked life but what the hell
The stars ain't falling down.
I'm standing outside the taj mahal
I don't see no one around.

Goin' to acapulco
Goin' on the run.
Goin' down to see fat gut
Goin' to have some fun.
Yeah goin' to have some fun.

Now, whenever I get up
And I ain't got what I see
I just make it down to rose marie's
'bout a quarter after three.

There are worse ways of getting there
And I ain't complainin' none.
If the clouds don't drop and the train don't stop
I'm bound to meet the sun.

Goin' to acapulco
Goin' on the run.
Goin' down to see some girl
Goin' to have some fun.
Yeah goin' to have some fun.

Now, if someone offers me a joke
I just say no thanks.
I try to tell it like it is
And keep away from pranks.

Well, sometime you know when the well breaks down
I just go pump on it some.
Rose marie, she likes to go to big places
And just set there waitin' for me to come.

Goin' to acapulco
Goin' on the run.
Goin' down to see some girl
Goin' to have some fun.
Yeah goin' to have some fun.

More info about Goin' To Acapulco lyrics

check here the lyrics for Goin' To Acapulco, the 5th song of the 18 recorded for the album The Basement Tapes, with a total running time of , by Bob Dylan. It was released on via , and produced by .
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