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A Deeper Kind Of Slumber lyrics by Tiamat

Tiamat A Deeper Kind Of Slumber lyrics
  • track 13 of 13, total running time
  • album A Deeper Kind Of Slumber
  • released in 1997
  • produced by
  • record label
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A Deeper Kind Of Slumber song lyrics

Robin goodfellow
Dianae, my muse
Morpheus in my heart
Your sand in my veins
It's a deeper kind of slumber
What is universe anyway
But a pouch of silver coins
The intense breathing
Of a dying animal
A foreboding of afterlife
Master keys in oaken chest
The somewhere is mine
And from there I'll continue
All I asked for was a little love
Meet me on the other side
Where as a rose I will wake
Though blind I'll follow every step you take
Dianae, my muse
Dianae, my solitude
Cease to exist, rise to exist no more
It's a deeper kind of slumber

More info about A Deeper Kind Of Slumber lyrics

check here the lyrics for A Deeper Kind Of Slumber, the 13th song of the 13 recorded for the album A Deeper Kind Of Slumber, with a total running time of , by Tiamat. It was released on via , and produced by .
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