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Atlantis As A Lover lyrics by Tiamat

Tiamat Atlantis As A Lover lyrics
  • track 5 of 13, total running time
  • album A Deeper Kind Of Slumber
  • released in 1997
  • produced by
  • record label
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Atlantis As A Lover song lyrics

Soothe my skin
My sweetness of soul
Your dream I dreamed
Dear wateringhole
A bride divine
In ruby eyed crown
Deep underneath
Your soft waterdown

I breathe in the fumes
Of oils unfathomed
With glory and pride
I confess myself doomed
You won again
Godly different kind
My air has ceased
To the deepest peace of mind

What it once meant
Is lost in the end
With profounded words
Of just being friends
A timeglass you turned
Of hours getting late
How fatal then
Is all of your hate

I breathe in the fumes
Of oils unfathomed
With glory and pride
I confess myself doomed
You won again
Godly different kind
My air has ceased
To the deepest peace of mind

More info about Atlantis As A Lover lyrics

check here the lyrics for Atlantis As A Lover, the 5th song of the 13 recorded for the album A Deeper Kind Of Slumber, with a total running time of , by Tiamat. It was released on via , and produced by .
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