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Ten courts of diyu lyrics by Therion

Therion Ten courts of diyu lyrics
  • track 10 of 11, total running time
  • album Leviathan
  • released in january 22, 2021
  • produced by
  • record label Nuclear Blast
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Ten courts of diyu song lyrics

A maze of dark existence ? chambers subterranean
Ten are the courts of Diyu at the edge of night and mind
Beneath the kings of Yama ? atonement send forth their eyes
And judgement from their wisdom brings your punishment to light

Where our universe expands the afterlife
Crossing the belief of every sinner blind
Left behind ? brought again down to where fortune lies

While souls are passing slowly, courts of Diyu open up
All sins they have committed dress in rain the eastern sun
Beneath the kings of Yama ? atonement send forth their eyes
And judgement from their wisdom brings your punishment to light

Where our universe expands the afterlife
Crossing the belief of every sinner blind
Left behind ? brought again down to where fortune lies

Incarnation ? to return and to be reborn again ?
May no voice remain unheard as in silence you repent
To the courts of Diyu send

To the courts of Diyu send

Where our universe expands the afterlife
Crossing the belief of every sinner blind
Left behind ? brought again down to where fortune lies

Where our universe expands the afterlife
Crossing the belief of every sinner blind
Left behind ? brought again down to where fortune lies

More info about Ten courts of diyu lyrics

check here the lyrics for Ten courts of diyu, the 10th song of the 11 recorded for the album Leviathan, with a total running time of , by Therion. It was released on january 22, 2021 via Nuclear Blast, and produced by .
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