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Psalm of retribution lyrics by Therion

Therion Psalm of retribution lyrics
  • track 8 of 11, total running time
  • album Leviathan
  • released in january 22, 2021
  • produced by
  • record label Nuclear Blast
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Psalm of retribution song lyrics

Spread out your wings, enter our side!

Shadow of Sephiroth
Raven of dispersion
From the volcanos mouth
Break on though to sphere of Man
Hear my call and devotion
Assignation brought to pass
Once again fate's in your hand
Wretches thrived in the East
Trod on sacred waters
Reft the spark of a soul
Dedicated to your Lord
Hear my call out for justness
Reckoning the wretched souls
Who called upon the wrath of mine

Seek the truth
Swing your sword
(Invocating A'arab Zaraq, force of Qliphoth manifest the retribution)
(Invocating through the tunnel Qulielfi, Nashimiron open up!)

Undivine is your shrines
Spawn of A'arab Zaraq
The Fouled Substance of God
Demon-headed ravens fly
From the mouths of volcanoes
The tree of Knowledge's forces rise
To avenge their ally's loss
Designate who is damned
The forfeit upon them
Who deny the redress
Place the vengeance upon men
Who deserves execration
So imprecate with wrath those souls
Who merit vengeance from your hand

Seek the truth
Swing your sword

Shadow of Sephiroth
Raven of dispersion
From the volcanoes mouth
Break on though to sphere of Man
Hear my call and devotion
Assignation brought to pass
Once again fate's in your hand
Wretches thrived in the East
Trod on sacred waters
Reft the spark of a soul
Dedicated to your Lord
Hear my call out for justness
Reckoning the wretched souls
Who called upon the wrath of mine

More info about Psalm of retribution lyrics

check here the lyrics for Psalm of retribution, the 8th song of the 11 recorded for the album Leviathan, with a total running time of , by Therion. It was released on january 22, 2021 via Nuclear Blast, and produced by .
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