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My voyage carries on lyrics by Therion

Therion My voyage carries on lyrics
  • track 42 of 46, total running time
  • album Beloved antichrist
  • released in February 2, 2018
  • produced by
  • record label Nuclear Blast
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My voyage carries on song lyrics

Come to us now, Magic Master

Demons you did send
To possess my Johanna
My child!

Rest assured my lore will my soul defend
Reach me you can never who are from heaven sent

Come to us now, Magic Master

In this time and place, where will I go?
Sophia, be cursed
Eternally I shall haunt you

Not the only one with powers, magic man you are

I will cast you out, you traitors of the spell
Serpents of Sophia, be gone

Here we are still, all by the light rejected
And by your will in astral vaults created

Now from a kingdom of your own to the void you return

At this growing eve, could it be I am done?
Why should I come to grieve?
My voyage carries on

You will join us in the darkness
Come to us now, Magic Master

More info about My voyage carries on lyrics

check here the lyrics for My voyage carries on, the 42th song of the 46 recorded for the album Beloved antichrist, with a total running time of , by Therion. It was released on February 2, 2018 via Nuclear Blast, and produced by .
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