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Behold antichrist lyrics by Therion

Therion Behold antichrist lyrics
  • track 27 of 46, total running time
  • album Beloved antichrist
  • released in February 2, 2018
  • produced by
  • record label Nuclear Blast
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Behold antichrist song lyrics

Hear my name - Caesar Seth
Understand who I am

Godless and forsaken you are
Hush your nonsense

Do not fear - Caesar Seth
Trust again who I am

Behold revelation
Beware of the serpent

I am the one, the one you desire, the voice of God
I am the one, the one you desire, the voice of God

Sublime thy soul
It will lead us into Sodom

Behold Antichrist!
Beware Antichrist!

We challenge you, spawn of the abyss, seductive beast
The fallen one, by our Lord expelled from him

Behold, our Lord has spoken
To protect the truth from the lies awoken

For this treason and accusations false
God avenged his son

Always remember Johanna
Holy one of grace eternal

Save thy servants for all to see
Us thy children who trust in thee

Always remember these two hearts
Father, greet their souls immortal

More info about Behold antichrist lyrics

check here the lyrics for Behold antichrist, the 27th song of the 46 recorded for the album Beloved antichrist, with a total running time of , by Therion. It was released on February 2, 2018 via Nuclear Blast, and produced by .
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