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The dead are the family lyrics by Lordi

Lordi The dead are the family lyrics
  • track 11 of 15, total running time
  • album Bend over and pray the lord
  • released in 2012
  • produced by
  • record label
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The dead are the family song lyrics

It's getting too kinky I cannot breathe
Fingernails are burning in this helluva heat
The brain can't realize what eyes keep telling palms are wet
the tongue is swelling
Paint the picture, we'll burn it down
sow your eyes - make no sound
Now the family's growing the daughters and the sons -
mixing in the breed now we all become 1

Nice flock of bodies floating by with open eyes
Wanna rumble wanna trancedance with the devil?
you really wanna take that dive?
you wanna howl at the moon by the rivershore
you want the factor to turn the tide
You wanna drown yourself in the stream of gore
so get steady are you ready to die?

You wanna push me aroung
you know the dead are the family.
you fuck me around you know it ain't no more fantasy
you call on the dark and nothing is what it seems to be
you fuck me around you know the dead are the family

you want no pride and you want no revive
yeah you wanna go down to get skinned alive
you wanna reign over the land of the dark
you wanna plasphemize and become a god - such wrath - such hate - will
make insane
Guess who heard it all?
You will have your war

More info about The dead are the family lyrics

check here the lyrics for The dead are the family, the 11th song of the 15 recorded for the album Bend over and pray the lord, with a total running time of , by Lordi. It was released on via , and produced by .
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