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Playing the devil (Bend over and pray the lord) lyrics by Lordi

Lordi Playing the devil (Bend over and pray the lord) lyrics
  • track 1 of 15, total running time
  • album Bend over and pray the lord
  • released in 2012
  • produced by
  • record label
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Playing the devil (Bend over and pray the lord) song lyrics

Hell-o! I am me who the hell R U?
See my eyes glow in a gloom?
I'm telling you there's an evil inside.
Yeah, crating a fuss of me
infernal debauchery...
When power burns alive,
raging at the skies,
that's when the monster-men arrive.

I am above it all.
Watching the others fall.
I'm calling myself a juggernaut.
Becoming more than a man
-one helluva man I am.
But I would feel alive
if I could take her life,
see my demon in her eye.

Playing the devil
with stronger than ever
(bend over and pray the lord)

I don't have a thing to say:
once you have power you don't need brains,
just need a reason to go insane.
Distinctive as I am
-exposing you my demon-fangs.
...I'm the man of the most dangerous kind.

Scratching the soul.
Raping your mind.
I would feel alive...

More info about Playing the devil (Bend over and pray the lord) lyrics

check here the lyrics for Playing the devil (Bend over and pray the lord), the 1th song of the 15 recorded for the album Bend over and pray the lord, with a total running time of , by Lordi. It was released on via , and produced by .
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