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Biomechanic Man lyrics by Lordi

Lordi Biomechanic Man lyrics
  • track 9 of 13, total running time
  • album Get Heavy
  • released in 2002
  • produced by
  • record label
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Biomechanic Man song lyrics

Biomechanic man aw waw
You need some lovin'o'monstermaniac style and fashion and I'm a device of horny steel
You need to believe in the dirty lovin'o' lusty passion you need a spin in the torture wheel
I say yeah now who could put it there now who could really care I hear the call yeah
I can biomechanic man who are you biomechanic man waw
You need to be on a roll and make a show of money you need to get the healer here
You gotta know when it's bad it's gonna be funny you gotta get in the cyber feel
I say yeah need to know when and were now who could make you fear I hear the call yeah
I am biomechanic man ooh yeah biomechanic man waw biomechanic biomechanic man
I'm all man and all machine a little sicko little mean I rock your brains out and you're sure to be damned
I lick your little finger then I chew up your hand for that's who I am the biomechanic man ooh yeah
Now who could make you feer I hear the call yeah I am the biomechanic biomechanic man hooh
I am biomechanic man biomechanic man biomechanic man
Aw aw aw aw biomechanic man biomechanic man

More info about Biomechanic Man lyrics

check here the lyrics for Biomechanic Man, the 9th song of the 13 recorded for the album Get Heavy, with a total running time of , by Lordi. It was released on via , and produced by .
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