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Rock The Hell Outta You lyrics by Lordi

Lordi Rock The Hell Outta You lyrics
  • track 4 of 13, total running time
  • album Get Heavy
  • released in 2002
  • produced by
  • record label
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Rock The Hell Outta You song lyrics

Rock the hell
Come shove it in good ol' disorder some accidental homicides I've been dead in the water
Aah girlic power slam you naked on the floor what do we have on store for you
We rock the hell outta you rock the hell outta you let the angels be gone casting in the demons
Rock the hell outta you rock the hell outta you burnin' bright as the sun glowing hot like neon yeah hey aw
Come let us make your sister twisted dresscode is leather with buzz saws breath becomes fire as I kiss her
Girlic power slam you naked on the floor what do we have on store for you
We rock the hell outta you rock the hell outta you let the angels be gone casting in the demons
Rock the hell outta you rock the hell outta you burnin' bright as the sun glowing hot like neon
Rock the rock the hell out rock the rock the hell out rock the rock the hell out
Entrancing lungle evil rammin' in the voodoo we exorcise your angels cast the hellbeast into you aah
We rock the hell outta you rock the hell outta you let the angels be gone casting in the demons
Rock the hell outta you rock the hell outta you burnin' bright as the sun glowing hot like neon
We rock the hell outta you rock the hell outta you let the angels be gone casting in the demons
Rock the hell outta you rock the hell outta you burnin' bright as the sun glowing hot like neon
Rock the rock the hell out mm wow

More info about Rock The Hell Outta You lyrics

check here the lyrics for Rock The Hell Outta You, the 4th song of the 13 recorded for the album Get Heavy, with a total running time of , by Lordi. It was released on via , and produced by .
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