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The Kills music lyrics

The Kills lyrics
The Kills are an alternative rock duo formed by American vocalist Alison “VV” Mosshart and British guitarist Jamie “Hotel” Hince that rose to public recognition at the dawn of the hype surrounding the genre explosion of the early 2000s. Mosshart had been in the Florida punk band Discount and Hince in British rock band Scarfo. When these groups disbanded, the duo, who first met when Mosshart heard Hince practicing in the hotel room above hers, struck up a songwriting partnership. For months, the pair air mailed work tapes across the Atlantic; after this proved to test the patience of both artists, as it took days or weeks to get each others tapes, Mosshart upped sticks from her Florida home to fly to London. Wanti...
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The Kills albums and songs lyrics

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The Kills - God games lyrics
God games lyrics 
God games at God games at wikipedia God games at spotify
God games lyrics
1. New york  
2. Going to heaven  
3. LA hex  
4. Love and tenderness  
5. 103  
6. My girls my girls  
7. Wasterpiece  
8. Kingdom come  
9. God games  
10. Blank  
11. Bullet sound  
12. Better days  
subscribe amazon music
The Kills - Little bastards lyrics
Little bastards lyrics 
Little bastards at Little bastards at spotify
Little bastards lyrics
The Kills - Ash & ice lyrics
Ash & ice lyrics 
Ash & ice at Ash & ice at wikipedia Ash & ice at spotify
Ash & ice lyrics
The Kills - Blood pressures lyrics
Blood pressures lyrics 
Blood pressures at wikipedia
Blood pressures lyrics
The Kills - Midnight boom lyrics
Midnight boom lyrics 
Midnight boom at Midnight boom at wikipedia Midnight boom at spotify
Midnight boom lyrics
check here most of album and songs lyrics to The Kills music. Our databases have 5 albums and a total of 69 songs of The Kills lyrics. Feel free to contact us if you find something missing or wrong.

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