My girls my girls song lyrics
My girls my girls
Oh, I'm the worst
Homesick for two worlds
I love so hard
My gang is ghosts
My girls my girls
Oh, I'm the worst
How far I've come
Still miles behind you
We're all headed down that road
At some point, I'll try to find you
And grow a soul for when my time comes close
But for now
I'm on those middle of the night vibes
Those singing 'til I die vibes
Reminiscing while I cry vibes
Twitching, I'm so high
Like put me in a ride
Like those vibes
Clinging on for dear life
Like I know I should
I picked a bad time
To feel this good
My girls my girls
Oh, I'm the worst
My girls my girls
Oh, I'm the worst
My girls my girls
Oh, I'm the worst
My girls my girls
Oh, I'm the worst
But for now
I'm on those middle of the night vibes
Those singing 'til I die vibes
Reminiscing while I cry vibes
Twitching, I'm so high
Like put me in a ride
Like those vibes
Clinging on for dear life
Like I know I should
I picked a bad time
To feel this good
My girls my girls
Oh, I'm the worst
My girls my girls
Oh, I'm the worst
My girls my girls
Oh, I'm the worst
My girls my girls
Oh, I'm the worst
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lyrics for My girls my girls, the 6th song of the 12 recorded for the album God games, with a total running time of 39:26, by The Kills. It was released on October 27, 2023 via Domino Recording Company, and produced by Paul Epworth.