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Man in the mirror lyrics by Stratovarius

Stratovarius Man in the mirror lyrics
  • track 8 of 11, total running time
  • album Eternal
  • released in 2015
  • produced by
  • record label
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Man in the mirror song lyrics

Cry for the man in the mirror
See his empty eyes, where nothing lies beyond

You rape all the world for nothing
You made fire and curse the flame
You suck dry the fount of wonder
You turn sorrow into hate

A lone wolf, a walking carcass
A sore sight for putrid eyes
What doesn't kill you makes you fouler
A dying whore by heaven's gate

We took the bait

The big millstone slowly turning
You make mud from hidden gold
You weigh down and crush my spirit
For every step of the road

Your dead lips embrace deception
My head filled with wasted words
You kill what you can't devour
You wanna drown me in a lake of shit filth

Cry for the man in the mirror
See his empty eyes, where nothing lies beyond

We lost the race, and then you spat right in our face

A mouth open, flies ascending
A paradise of empty souls
The black skies an empty ocean
It took the wink of an eye

From our pleasant tree of knowledge
A long shadow touches death
Lose sight of a broken promise
And in a moment nothingness descends

Cry for the man in the mirror
See his empty eyes, where nothing lies beyond

More info about Man in the mirror lyrics

check here the lyrics for Man in the mirror, the 8th song of the 11 recorded for the album Eternal, with a total running time of , by Stratovarius. It was released on via , and produced by .
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