Shine in the dark song lyrics
When I was young and life had only just begun
The days were long and bright
So warm and full of life
I never knew that one day you would fade away
Your colors fade to gray
It seems like yesterday
Still you're shining in the dark
You're still safe within my heart
Where my memories lie and
I will follow you
Wherever you go
I am what you made of me
Your blood is my blood, and your heart is my heart
We are what we leave behind
An eternal stream
You flow through me
And I fear no more though you're gone
I know we'll meet again
I know you're there, still somewhere
You are waiting
You are the mystery that only I can know
The gentle wings that glow
The glitter on the snow
I never dream about you
Never say your name
It's not that I don't care
It's just that I'm not dead
You're still gone and I'm still here
Yet I always feel you near
Wherever I go
Still you're shining in the dark
You're still safe within my heart
Wherever you are
[Chorus 2x]
And I fear no more though you're gone
I know we'll meet again
I know you're there, still somewhere
You are waiting
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lyrics for Shine in the dark, the 2th song of the 11 recorded for the album Eternal, with a total running time of , by Stratovarius. It was released on via , and produced by .