Preflight delight,
Defaced street lights,
A pyramid mind fuck,
Don't leave your seats now,
Popcorn everywhere, canned,
Cliche people organs rare,
Corn everywhere canned,
Cliche people organs rare,
Rare [repeat]
I want to be,
A fallen ruby,
Guest vibrations,
Don't leave your seats now,
Humans everywhere, canned,
Cliche people organs rare,
Humans everywhere, canned,
Cliche people cannot dare,
Dare [repeat]
Humans everywhere, canned,
Cliche people organs rare,
Humans everywhere, canned,
Cliche people cannot dare,
Humans everywhere, canned,
Cliche people organs rare,
Humans everywhere, canned,
Cliche people cannot dare, dare, dare, dare.
More info about Cubert lyrics
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lyrics for Cubert, the 11th song of the 13 recorded for the album System Of A Down, with a total running time of , by System Of A Down. It was released on via , and produced by .